
OGL Texture mapping for dummies?

Started by March 15, 2000 08:45 AM
1 comment, last by mbenic 24 years, 11 months ago
I have downloaded a couple of texture mapping tuts for OpenGL, but they all seem to be really complex. Is there no relatively simple way to load a texture into OGL, and use it (actually it''s the initialisation and loading thing that gets me.. not the use) Thanks --- Matt Benic "Ummm, you mean this aint bubba's-house-of-hillbilly?"
What type of files do you want to load to use as texture maps? BMPs? TGA? PNG? JPG? GIF?

OpenGL just wants a memory buffer from you in RGB, RGBA (or perhaps some other format depending upon extentions supported). OpenGL has no knowledge of specific file types, though it is relatively painless to use ''RAW'' bitmap files as OpenGL textures using basic file-reading code.

Knowing what types of files you''d like to load to use as textures would make it much more likely that I could point you in the right direction on how to proceed.
I have a simple texture mapping tutorial in the OpenGL Tutor section of my site.


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