

Started by March 15, 2000 08:10 AM
8 comments, last by Iwod 24 years, 11 months ago
I have just starting to learn VB in my school and I have no programming experience at all. But I know for a fact that C++ is that best for game and 3D and Direct X programming. Would it be good to learn both VB and C++ at the same time? I know VB is very slow and need their dll in order to work. The program is large and programming 3D is impossible (This is all I have heard from other people ) And does anybody know it the next version of VB or Direct X 8.0 /going to improvement this situation?
3d Programming in VB is possible. VB is not all that slow.
Do a search on Visual Basic gaming sites ( you will be surprised )
If you have no programming experience, then I would suggest to avoid doing two languages at once. Not only are you learning syntax, you''re learning basic programming methods.

While it is true that most games are made using C++, I would actually suggest learning VB first. The language is very easy and it holds your hand most of the time. Once you become good with VB, then you can learn C++ where you have much more control, but you can really screw things up too

If you are considering programming as a carrer then I would go with C/C++ now days that is what most companies use and is used the3 most.
I wish there was a button on my monitor to turn up the intellegince. Theres a button called 'brightness' but it doesn't work
If you are considering a programming career in the gaming industry, I would learn C++. If you love programming, I would learn C++. If you want to a career in programing for fortune 500 firms, learn VB & SQL. VB/SQL is replacing COBOL which is still the most used language in large corporations.
Actually SQL is just as useful with C++ ;-)

My suggestions: start slow. VB is perfect to learn the concepts of imperative programming.
( Imperative programming is just a big word for programming in an obvious way, there are other types, but you needn''t bother with these yet )

I started at University with a language called Pascal, which is probably slightly more advanced but it doesn''t matter much. VB will get you started. Get a decent grounding in that, and then move on to C, then to C++.
( It doesn''t have to be C++ though, you could choose to go towards Java or something else, or stay with VB, depending on your goals ).

It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Since they''re teaching you VB in school, then learn that first. However, C++ is my first language, so I''d suggest learning C++ first - IF, they weren''t teaching you it in school.

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
I learned QBASIC before anything else. After that, VB. However, I taught myself everything that I know about programming(or computers, for that manner), because all of my schools contain only macs(AAGH!! NOOOOO!).

Next year, however, I get to(finally) go to high school. Because of my experience in programming, I may actually skip all of the Computer science classes and go directly to AP Computer Science .

Anyway, my point is that you should learn one language at a time, slowly building up. So I suggest starting w/VB and letting your school take you from there. Just consider yourself lucky that you have a school that can teach you these things.

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London
I learned QBASIC before anything else. After that, VB. However, I taught myself everything that I know about programming(or computers, for that manner), because all of my schools contain only macs(AAGH!! NOOOOO!).

Next year, however, I get to(finally) go to high school. Because of my experience in programming, I may actually skip all of the Computer science classes and go directly to AP Computer Science .

Anyway, my point is that you should learn one language at a time, slowly building up. So I suggest starting w/VB and letting your school take you from there. Just consider yourself lucky that you have a school that can teach you these things.

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London
I said this in another thread, but anyway...

I am convinced that Java is the perfect language to learn programming with (and IMHO,not good for much else) , but if your choices are VB or C/C++, I''d have to say start with VB. Actually I''d say start with any language other than C/C++.

C/C++ are horribly unforgiving languages on beginners. You''ll find yourself spending most of your time tracking down pointer errors and playing "what does static/const/public/etc... do when I put it here?" when you could be learning to program. Its really not worth it.

First you should learn to program in a well-designed language and then step into C/C++ and try to figure out what Bjarne Strosstrup was thinking.

The Timdog

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