I really enjoy his style. I love reading the book.
Sand Hawk
-Earth is 98% full. Please delete anybody you can.
What's wrong with LaMothe's bitmap loader?
But I really enjoy Lamothe's TOTWGPG and it is a great way to learn DirectX and basic Windows programming. It will feel like a real accomplishment when I get through this book, and after which I will feel more comfortable developing a game in Directx and Windows.
I feel the same way. I've learned a ton already just by going through his code. I'm enthralled by demo 12.3. Consequently though, something has become fubar with my sound card as it won't play any sounds now. It's fine in the device manager and I tried disabling/enabling it to no avail. I hope I didn't damage it too badly. But yeah, I'm actually really excited to write my own version of Tetris. Some people seem to want to jump right to Quake III, but to me Tetris and then maybe Galaxian would be awesome.
[edited by - Zul on June 5, 2002 12:14:43 PM]
oh hai
Guys,..screw Lamothe,..havent you heard of DDutil ?
Its faster and easier.And theres a tut for it here on gamedev
Lamothe cant help you with everything,..sometimes you have to find other ways to do stuff.Bye.
______________________________Yes I think the rev pad sucks/so does 50 and the DS. I like action and am not ashamed. I prefer brunettes but hate chocolate. Yes,I have opinions!!! Rate as you will.
quote: Original post by Access
Guys,..screw Lamothe,..havent you heard of DDutil ?
Its faster and easier.And theres a tut for it here on gamedev
Lamothe cant help you with everything,..sometimes you have to find other ways to do stuff.Bye.
That''s great, but that alone isn''t going to help me get some ideas on how to program an entire game. Lamothe''s book has though. The fact that a couple of his examples didn''t work frustrated me a great deal, but the concepts I''ve learned from his book have helped me considerably.
"I''ve never seen that. I''ve never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the side of the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick. I''ve never seen that."
oh hai
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