
Static topology.... moving vertices...

Started by May 27, 2002 06:03 AM
-1 comments, last by plasm 22 years, 9 months ago
I am trying to display a sphere created by a recursive isocahedron approach. So far no problem. The sphere has to be deformed in realtime. So while the topology of the sphere stays the same all the time the vertices do change position. So i have to recalculate the normals of all affected surfaces and vertices on the fly. As i understand the OpenGL API, i cant use display lists for this since i had to create a new one everytime something changed in the sphere mesh. So triangle strips are the best way to speed this up afaik. Now the real question: Is there an easy way to get the optimal set of triangle strips for an object whos topology is known and constant? As i understand it, constant topology = constant triangle strips. So i should be able to use the strips no matter what i do to the sphere. Right now i create the sphere myself and not via the glu functions, as i said before i need access to the grid to be able to change it. I have all the information about the vertices and the surfaces they are part of. What i am looking for is just a way to find the minimum set of triangle strips that draws my sphere or a heuristic approach that comes pretty close. PlasM [edited by - plasm on May 27, 2002 7:07:53 AM]

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