opengl font
I am now using GL4Java to do 3D graphics. In a case, I find that I need to use other c++ Font library which is not included in GL4Java.
At First, I got an idea about converting the C++ lib to JNI as native method, and then used by Java (GL4Java).
But, now I feel worried about the following: could you teach me? Thanks...
1. Is the buffer of GL4Java compactible with the buffer of opengl(c++)?? Though GL4Java is developed from opengl, i don''t know do the buffers can be shared?? By my concept, Java''s memory is on the Virtual Machine; C++''s memory is OS dependent.
2.So could you tell me should I covert the c++ font lib by JNI?? do they can draw the object on the same buffer?? If two buffers is not be compactible, do you tell me any other method can solve the problem??
could i call GL4Java method and the JNI(form c++) native method in the same RenderGLScene()???
3.Moreover, on the nehe web site. I found that the tutorial lesson17-draw textured font. Could I drawing the textured font with GL4Java??? such as using glTexParameteri(), glGenLists() , glGenLists()....
Actually, I need to do a texture fonts with 3D properity, can rotate persectively. Could you give me some suggestion rather than you JNI Native c++ lib?
is bitmap font can''t be rotated on z-axis?? always face forward??
4. I am thinking, haven''t make any decision. Should I use glFont lib as JNI ?? info got form:
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