
Question... doh

Started by May 26, 2002 06:58 AM
0 comments, last by Rimrok 22 years, 8 months ago
Does MP programming depend on how the game is programmed in the first place? For example: If I have a game created for single player, do I have to change the entire ground structure of the game if I want to make a MP addition to it? Ofcourse it's different from case to case... But in general... If you can generalize. It might seem obviuos to you,... But, you'll never learn if you don't ask.. [edited by - Rimrok on May 26, 2002 8:00:50 AM]
The way to the right path is through pain, sweat and tears.
As general as i can make it without seeing any design or source or anything, if you have done single player only, with no thought to multi, theres a good chance you will have to do a lot of re-coding to store/track/get input from/etc. more than a single player. But as i said, it does depend on how you''ve designed it. There is a good introductory article in the articles section that talks about the differences between single and multi games called "The Essentials of Multiplayer Games". The author of that article takes it a step further in "Introduction: Designing Multiplayer Games".
They are fairly short articles, and easy to understand, so i suggest you check them both out.

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