
raster fonts - strange

Started by May 20, 2002 02:46 PM
-1 comments, last by moromete 22 years, 7 months ago
I have tried to make a raster font class and it does not show anything on the screen. It seems OK but it does not work ! Can anyone help me ? (the non-object variant works or at least it displays what i want to if the current raster position is OK but the class variant doesn''t want to work and i folowed the same steps)

extern CLog log;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

class CFont {

	unsigned char *bitfont;
	unsigned char *lenfont;
	GLuint fontOffset;

	CFont(string s);
	virtual ~CFont();
	void echo(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, string s);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------

CFont::CFont(string s){
	FILE *fontfile;
	GLuint i;
	GLfloat j;
	string c;
	c = "CFont::CFont - Loading font " + s + "...";
	c = "data\\" + s + ".bit";
	if (fontfile = fopen(c.c_str(), "rb")) {
		if ((bitfont = (unsigned char *)malloc(32 * 16 * 16)) && fontfile) {
			fread(bitfont, 16*2*16, 16, fontfile);
			c = "data\\" + s + ".len";
			if (fontfile = fopen(c.c_str(), "rb")) {
				if ((lenfont = (unsigned char *)malloc(256)) && fontfile) {
					fread(lenfont, 16, 16, fontfile);
					glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
					fontOffset = glGenLists(256);
					for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
						j = lenfont[i] + 2.0000f;
						glNewList(i+fontOffset, GL_COMPILE);
							glBitmap( 13, 16, 4.0f, 0.0f, j, 0.0f, bitfont+(i*32));
				} else {
					::log.out("could not malloc for .len ---------- !!!\n");
					if (fontfile) fclose (fontfile);
					if (bitfont) free (bitfont);
			} else {
				::log.out("could not open .len file ---------- !!!\n");
				if (fontfile) fclose (fontfile);
				if (bitfont) free (bitfont);
		} else {
			::log.out("could not malloc for .bit ----------!!!\n");
			if (fontfile) fclose (fontfile);
	} else {
		::log.out("could not open .bit file ---------- !!!\n");

CFont::~CFont() {

	if (bitfont) free (bitfont);
	if (lenfont) free (lenfont);


void CFont::echo(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, string s) {

	glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
	glTranslatef(x - 1.6f, y - 1.2f, -3.0f);	
	glRasterPos4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	glCallLists(s.length(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLubyte *) s.c_str());

Thank you in advance Moromete

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