Original post by Ganryu
Render farms distribute frames among the connected computers so that each computer handles separate frames.
Actually, there are some systems which will allow you to split up the individual frames - and even efficiently. For example, The Brazil Rendering System for 3dsmax is excellent and will be able to (can already? haven''t checked it in a while) do that in a render farm. This is especially useful for people who have maybe 3 computers and generally render high quality stills. They can cut rendering time to 1/3.
btw, as I haven''t visited the site in a while, i don''t know what its current state is. however, about 6-7 months ago it was kinda empty because they were focusing more on development. not sure how much info will actually be there.
i always thought it would be kinda fun to write a raytracer....hmmm...