
Help NeHe

Started by May 17, 2002 09:28 AM
3 comments, last by stryx 22 years, 9 months ago
Look at todays news: "I''m back to having a negative balance in my bank account, so I''m attempting to sell off as much stuff as I can. If anyone is interested in a purple GBA with the new Zelda (GB Color) a flash advance, flash advance 256meg card, and Cold Cathod light (awesome light), make me an offer!" Hmm, sounds like NeHe is in some trouble, isn''t it ? I''ve looked at the PayPal site but I couldn''t figure out how it works. Can somebody tell me about PayPal, I want to help NeHe. If anyone has ideas how to support NeHe post it here or create an thread. Something must be done. Thanks for reading. StryX
Anything that requires finding convex hulls in realtime isstarting to sound like a bad idea. -- John Carmack
Don't go directly to you won't get what you want easily.
Go to NeHe Productions and there's a link for donations (top-right of the page).
Follow this link and it will be very easy to donate.

Also, if you have 30 bucks to spare I'd recommend buying NeHe CD. It's a good CD, and at least you physically get something for the money you send.

[Edit: thanks Zaphos for the correction]

[edited by - vincoof on May 17, 2002 11:06:00 AM]
Err .. that is the top RIGHT of the main page.
The question is not "why a talking monkey," but rather, "why not a talking monkey." -Monkey Island 4
yup, excuse me ! I''ll edit the post
I just created a paypal account and made a $20 donation to NeHe. This is nothing compared to what I've learned from his site for free. The amount you get for creating the account is currently $5 and the "PayPal Membership Fee" is $1.95, so anyone with a credit card could at least donate $3.05 without loosing any money.

[edited by - nadam on May 17, 2002 1:49:38 PM]

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