
Need to learn C++

Started by May 17, 2002 06:26 AM
7 comments, last by Altamore 22 years, 9 months ago
Please, im willing to learn C++, I bought delphi 6 and want to know who would be nice enough to teach me the C++ Not fully of course but, get me started.
Start with the "For beginners" link above, also check out the "Articles & Resources" and "Books & Software" links.
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Um, you can''t learn C++ with delphi... delphi uses Pascal... - Just click it.
Well, maybe we could make a virtual mind uplink so you can access my C++ knowledge database. OR you buy a book, download a C/C++ compiler and learn it yourself. Nobody is going to learn you C++, you have do it yourself. Buy a book or download some tutorials.

Sand Hawk

-Earth is 98% full. Please delete anybody you can.
----------------(Inspired by Pouya)
As some people have said:

Delphi is a compiler for a language, based on Pascal (i recommend pascal if you find c++ hard to learn at start)
You cannot write and compile C++ using delphi.

You need a special compiler for c++. You can get a free one (i think)

Use this site (For Beginners, Articles & Resources) and any other you may find.

As a start and I have found useful.

Hope it helps

What about me? What about Raven?
hhahahaaa so you bought the wrong compiler havent you?
thats LOL.....
go here
and download "Dev-C++" from the Bloodshed site...]
Thats all we can do!

Tip:Help yourself.

Can someone be nice and help me on my way to be the next Hideo Kojima?
Thought So...
Try and be nice.
Altamore, how about telling us a little more about your predicament so we know how to help you. We know that you want to learn C++, but what we don''t know is what you want to do with C++ and whether you have any prior programming experience. If you let us know those details, perhaps someone will be a bit more helpful.

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Original post by Altamore
Please, im willing to learn C++, I bought delphi 6 and want to know who would be nice enough to teach me the C++

Not fully of course but, get me started.

You´ve already been told that you cant compile c++ with a Delphi compiler and where you can download a free one, i say, try to go back to the store and tell ''em the truth and you maybe can change your compiler for a real one.

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