
X-Files Misconception

Started by March 09, 2000 10:52 PM
20 comments, last by Ronald Forbes 24 years, 6 months ago
Well....No offense guys, maybe games DON''T cause violence. I believe that it is the parent''s responsibility to protect their children. I think that it is also indesputable that the more you are exposed to death, violence, etc. the more you become desensatized to it. You may not go out and kill people, but you lose the perception of what pain and death are like to some extent.

Ask any pyschologist, the more you are exposed to violence, the more you take it as a regular thing.

To the last anonymous poster message, I''d like to comment, that, it is very EASY for the average mind to distinguish between actual real life violence and fake violence.

Case and point, I''ve been playing bloody and gory video games since I can remember, yet, I become sick at the sight of real human blood.

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