OpenGL Books
I need to purchase a *good* openGL book. I have no idea what book is a good choice for a programmer like me, simply because I''m relatively new to programming (just getting into advanced polymorphism). I am completely ignorant to graphics as a whole, so, I''m turning to you people- the experts. I need a good OpenGL book (preferabbly in C++) that teaches how to use graphics dynamically in my applications from the ground up (from the ground up, I mean no background history is programming graphics). Is this book one that asks for too much and simply doesn''t exist? While I dunno- someone,please help a poor fella like me get some graphics in my apps!
Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
OpenGL Programmers Guide 3rd edition by woo et al is the book on OpenGL. It should be good for someone w/ little graphics knowledge.
That in combination w/ nehe''s tutorial
That in combination w/ nehe''s tutorial
"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
Be carefull with reading the OpenGL Programmers Guide 3rd edition, it describes OpenGL v 1.2! If you want your users to run your app they''ll have to download the new OpenGL version, which is not supported by Windows.
However, don''t take this too serious because most functions in OpenGL v 1.2 are the same (at least their names & parameters) as in OpenGL v 1.1
However, don''t take this too serious because most functions in OpenGL v 1.2 are the same (at least their names & parameters) as in OpenGL v 1.1
I have the OpenGL Superbible 2nd Edition and it works very well for me. It starts off teaching you OGL with GLUT to keep things simple then moves into Win32 specifics and Rendering Contexts. Confused? Get the book!
There are some online OpenGL books at this web site:;cd=7;td=6
Of note they have, the OpenGL Programming Guide and OpenGL Reference Manual both by Addison-Wesley Publishing;cd=7;td=6
Of note they have, the OpenGL Programming Guide and OpenGL Reference Manual both by Addison-Wesley Publishing
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