
Starcraft-like GUI

Started by March 08, 2000 07:48 PM
0 comments, last by Ronald Forbes 24 years, 6 months ago
If I''m trying to make a graphical user interface much like that of starcraft, would the article written in 4 parts awhile back be what I need to read? If not, could someone point me to an article that would help? I''m totally clueless on the matter of GUIs and I NEED HELP! Thanx. Ronald Download Complete. "YESSSSSS! The DirectX 7 SDK is finally MINE!! After 3 days of waiting, I have finally successfully downloaded this huge file. Now, I'll just fire up Winzip and... Illegal Fault. CURSES, MICROSOFT, CURSES!"
Yes, that tutorial is a great tutorial on GUIs. It doesn''t just give you the code, you have to write most of your own code, but it does give you the concepts you would need to know to create your own GUI.

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