
& operator question

Started by May 05, 2002 06:16 PM
7 comments, last by viper35al 22 years, 8 months ago
In my C++ book, I hav the following code. My question is in comment form next to the area I have a question in. Thanks in advance.

//Listing 9.9

// Returning multiple values from a function

// using references

#include <iostream.h>

typedef unsigned short USHORT;

ERR_CODE Factor(USHORT, USHORT&, USHORT&); // In my book it 

// talked about the & operator before the variable to show its

// adress in memory, or to create a reference, but wat does it 

// do when put after like in this case, I re read my book and 

// couldn''t find it saying anything about this.

int main()
	USHORT number, squared, cubed;
	ERR_CODE result;

	cout << "Enter a number (0 - 20): ";
	cin >> number;

	result = Factor(number, squared, cubed);

	if (result == SUCCESS)
		cout << "number: " << number << "\n";
		cout << "square: " << squared << "\n";
		cout << "cubed: "  << cubed   << "\n";
		cout << "Error encountered!!\n";
	return 0;

ERR_CODE Factor(USHORT n, USHORT &rSquared, USHORT &rCubed)
	if (n > 20)
		return ERROR;   // simple error code

		rSquared = n*n;
		rCubed = n*n*n;
		return SUCCESS;

It is the reference operator -> it allows you to reference (much like a pointer, just you can''t change the address it points to and syntax is the same as a normal var) a variable so that you can edit its contents (or even just decrease overhead/keep a copy constructor from firing since you are only really passing the address)
You know what the line is, right? It''s a function prototype. The fact that the &''s are after the type names indicate that those parameters are references to the type. Keep in mind that you don''t have to give names to parameters in the function header (you don''t ever technically have to, but in order to use them you do).


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The meaning is exactly the same, actually.

Ya see, when you''re forward-declaring function prototypes like they''ve done there, you don''t actually have to tell the compiler what the argument names are. All it needs to know are the datatypes.

So what you could actually read that line as, is:

  ERR_CODE Factor(USHORT myFirstArg, USHORT &mySecondArg, USHORT &myThirdArg);  

And the meaning--that the argument is pass-by-reference--is the same. I personally don''t see why anyone would use this ambiguous and antiquated syntax, as having a spot to describe interface where it''s needed should be just gravy; but to each his own.
Another note, which you should already know about. By passing those parameters as references, you can modify their values, removing the necessity to return anything (and allowing you to effectively "return" multiple values, since the changes you apply to the parameters are actually being applied on the memory location, which, as AP mentioned, also avoids a copy constructor call.)


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ok, I understand what was happening there pretty well, thanks for all your help, but I have one more example from my book that isn''t passing anything in, but still has the & operator.


  //Listing 9.12// Passing references to objects#include <iostream.h>class SimpleCat{public:	SimpleCat();	SimpleCat(SimpleCat&);	~SimpleCat();	int GetAge() const { return itsAge; }	void SetAge(int age) { itsAge = age; }private:	int itsAge;};SimpleCat::SimpleCat(){	cout << "Simple Cat Constructor...\n";	itsAge = 1;}// I don''t understand why there''s a & operator here, it''s not // being passed a value.  Can anyone please explain what it''s // doing?SimpleCat::SimpleCat(SimpleCat&){	cout << "Simple Cat Copy Constructor...\n";}SimpleCat::~SimpleCat(){	cout << "Simple Cat Destructor...\n";}const     SimpleCat & FunctionTwo (const SimpleCat & theCat);int main(){	cout << "Making a cat...\n";	SimpleCat Frisky;	cout << "Frisky is " << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old\n";	int age = 5;	Frisky.SetAge(age);	cout << "Frisky is " << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old\n";	cout << "Calling FunctionTwo...\n";	FunctionTwo(Frisky);	cout << "Frisky is " << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old\n";	return 0;}// functionTwo, passes a ref to a const objectconst SimpleCat & FunctionTwo (const SimpleCat & theCat){	cout << "Function Two. Returning...\n";	cout << "Frisky is now " << theCat.GetAge();	cout << " years old \n";	// theCat.SetAge(8);   const!	return theCat;}  
Your example is a copy constructor. A copy constructor is called every time your program needs to make a copy of your object. If you pass a SimpleCat to a function by value (as opposed to passing a pointer or a reference), the function needs to make its own local copy of the SimpleCat. At this point, the copy constructor is automatically called, and a reference to the object that needs to be copied is passed in. The copy constructor then does whatever it needs to to copy the object.

I''m pretty bad at explaining things, aren''t I.

Things are not what they are.
I think I got it, so the copy constructor is called each time a copy of the object is made, but I deleted the whole copy constructor, and it worked fine, so is the only reason to use one in this situation is for the author to show me how to use one if I ever needed it.

If I'm wrong, please tell me, but otherwise thanks for all of your help.

[edited by - viper35al on May 6, 2002 10:19:54 PM]
The compiler makes a default copy constructor.. that one in your code is just to show you when it is used by printing a msg.

[edited by - Neko- on May 7, 2002 2:17:14 AM]
True hackers are intelligent, they have to be. Either they do really great in school because they have nothing better to do, or they don't do so well because school is terribly boring. And the ones who are bored aren't that way because they don't give a shit about learning anything. A true hacker wants to know everything. They're bored because schools teach the same dull things over and over and over, nothing new, nothing challenging.

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