good graphic games games
i''m interested in making basketball,hockey,and fighting games,i''m just learning c++,and don''t care about pac-man,tetris,frogger type games.i know it will take me years to make great games,but i don''t care for atari or nes looking games.i''m more into snes,and sega looking games,so my question is does c++ make good graphic games like bomberman,s.o.s,jurassic park. or just games like tetris?
I personally believe that C++ can make whatever you want it to make. I think that most commercial games are programming in C/C++ and assembler (like quake and doom), but i''m not positive about that. The graphics your game will be able to use depend on #1 your artistic ability (i have none) and #2 how well you can program graphics into your game. I would also suggest if you''re new to game programming to start off with pac-man, tetris, or the classic space invaders type game. And afterwards move on to tougher things. I hope this helps!
Most of the visually stunning games we play today are developed in C/C++. Virtually every PC based game is, with a few exceptions. I''m not so sure about console based games because I''m not a console fan. The language is only 1 piece of the puzzle though. Quake3 was developed using C/C++, but also used the OpenGL API for it''s graphics. Unreal Tournament, on the other hand, uses Direct3D for it''s graphics. These are ''code packages'' that make creating and handling the graphical portion of your game much easier. In fact, DirectX in general makes all aspects of game creation easier (well, in some areas that may be debatable, depending on who you talk to). DirectX is exclusive to Microsoft and it''s Windows Operating systems. However, I do know that all the consoles have development kits that help the programmers create games for that specific console. That''s just how things work in this day of extremely complex and powerful software and hardware.
As AnalGoat said though (where do you get a name like that anyways), you may be better off starting off with easier games to develop the skills required to make games before moving on to more challenging projects. Nobody that develops the games we all love to play today was making games of that quality when they first started. We all have to start somewhere, and for 99.9% of us, that somewhere is with the basics. Unless you''re a genius, biting off more then you can chew will only be an exercise in frustration and discouragement.
As AnalGoat said though (where do you get a name like that anyways), you may be better off starting off with easier games to develop the skills required to make games before moving on to more challenging projects. Nobody that develops the games we all love to play today was making games of that quality when they first started. We all have to start somewhere, and for 99.9% of us, that somewhere is with the basics. Unless you''re a genius, biting off more then you can chew will only be an exercise in frustration and discouragement.
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