
I need help

Started by March 07, 2000 08:29 PM
4 comments, last by Jonny Go 24 years, 6 months ago
Ill just ask all the questions that are on my mind. Ok, im trying to learn Strings in C++ and I understand how to set a value to a string example: string str = "I like big butts"; and I understand how to cout it to the screen cout << str; This is sickenly easy assed stuff, but Im having problems getting the user to assign the value to it. cin >> str; doesnt seem to work It clearly doesnt work just treating it like a normal variable. I need to expand the capacity that the string can hold and all my book (Practical C++) is doing is confusing me. This should be a breeze for you guys Its all fun and games till someone gets pregnant.
Its all fun and games till someone gets pregnant.
Well, string isn''t a standard type (at least I don''t think it is). You should use a char array or something else. Sorry I''m not much help, but I''m tired and my parents are yelling at me, so.....

I understand strings now.....

I feel sheepish for asking..

Its amazing what reading can accomplish

Its all fun and games till someone gets pregnant.
The string class is part of the standard. I''m also pretty sure

string x;
cin >> string;

works. If i recall,correctly(its been awhile since console I/O) cin only takes one char and the rest gets cut off, you need to use cin getline() or something like that to read the whole string or else it chops it off at the first char.


cin usually gets the first "word" (i.e. non whitespace group of characters) in an entry. Each word thereafter goes into a stream buffer and is extracted with repeated uses of cin. cin.getline() I believe gets all characters until a \n or \r character is encountered.

To add to what Oofnish said, cin.getline has a third, optional argument. This argument is the delimiter.

cin.getline( szMyString, 255, ''\n'' );

This line gets all input until 255 characters have been entered, or until a newline character was entered. Note that you could change ''\n'' to '' '' or ''/'' or ''a'' or any other character you would like.

The default value for this argument is the newline character ("\n").


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