
3D game programming contest organization

Started by April 30, 2002 01:15 PM
55 comments, last by Trexmaster 22 years, 9 months ago
For those of you who want to join the team for the 4 elements contest and see work advancement (not much at this time), just go on the "GD-Net 4-Elements Contest" thread. I don''t know exactly how many people want to join the team yet but we should start working soon now if we want to have something great and complete as an entry.
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
Here''s a quick link to the thread : GDNet 4-Elements Contest

There''s not much of a detailed work since we''re still looking for entrants. I personally wouldn''t like to start too much work too fast if some people join and then say "hey, this would be better, but we have to break what''s already done". When the team will be "more stable" (is this correct english?), I think we''ll going to start coding.
Also, I may be wrong about this kind-of-management and I''m opened too any suggestion.

But waiting for this coding start, we can discuss about what we''re going to do. So, we''re not really wasting time if we don''t start coding now.

If anyone would like to join the team, please write something like "I''m in" in the GDNet 4-Elements Contest thread.
We''re not only looking for hard-coders. Anyone willing to help by any mean is welcomed, at least to give an opinion

And remember that nobody''s engaged. If you want to join and then finally you realize you don''t like the team and want to quit, that''s fine.
The only requirement is a decent behaviour : please don''t flame after anyone within or without the team, please don''t reset the database (without asking first ) and please don''t steal ideas/code from the project to join another team
This gets better with every post. :-)

i like it

I think this is a good idea, but it would need alot more thought, first of all, there needs to be a rulling council, a team of like3 or 5 people (odd numbers only) and they make the rules and judge entries and the progress.

Then I think it should be anyone who has a team or not should be allowed to enter. Also, i dont know how many of you have ever actually coded a nice game, but it takes time even with a team. Go read some books like "Secrets of the Sages" it will give you a great insight to game developing and what goes into it.

The team thing is great, but as for people who dont want to trust their image to someone else, find people around you who can code and work with them. IF you dont know anyone or cant find anyone, do it all yourself! I know that I can do 3d modeling, sounds, music, graphic art, coding and everything else that comes with making a game. Except beta testing, you can not beta test your own projects because you are by default, bias to your own work. You need someone who has not seem it or played it before. Trust me, you can not sucessfully beta test your own code! You just cant.

Also, ther should be different sections, like expert, advanced and novice. The entries shoudl be categorized by these labels and judged as so. this way it is fair to everyone, so novice people have a chance to win compared to an expert. Because, you know that side by side, an expert will win over a novice.

The council should set these rules, limitations and whatever else. Things to be expected, like in Expert, there needs to be networking, or multiplayer capabilities, and not expected in novice entries.

This idea needs organization.

Alex, I know ASP and I''d be willing to code up something for this event.
The Expert/Advanced/Novice idea has a good point for attracting newbies, otherwise they would be frightened by the best entries of previous contests and almost no newbie would dare entering the next contest.

Also, it''s a bit unfair to separate the newbies from the experts. First of all, it''s a bit harsh to set a rule that roughly says something like "you''re a newbie so you won''t use the network because you''re too bad". Secondly, some "experts" could join the "advanced" or "novice" categories instead of "expert" category, so they would be almost certain to win. Fair-play is a must, you shall say...
NeHe''s looking for a new constest! He is also looking for some content for a second cd! Can anyone say oppertunity? Ill email him and have him look at this thread. Were in business!
Love the idea... very cool indeed. Although I'm guessing it's going to be a project non site related from the sounds of it.

An idea I've been playing around with for the next contest is a more "demo scene" style contest... where there are categories (novice, 4k, 32k, 64k, full blown, pro, fun)... but then there's always chance that someone more advanced could enter novice, etc. It's just not easy to host any type of contest without ticking off a few people... which is unfortunate Anyways... just something I'd like to one day do... doesn't have to be demo related, could be game related. Figured I'd talk about it seen as how the thread is about contests

If you guys come up with an idea, and you'd like to host it here, let me know, I'd be more than happy to offer the space.

On a personal note... Although I have little time right now, I'm working hard to get some site related stuff done. So if I seem to be ignoring anyone, or your news is taking a long time to get posted, have patience

Thanks for the thread... it's good to see everyone coming up with awesome ideas!

- NeHe

[edited by - NeHe on May 13, 2002 12:37:23 AM]

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