
3D game programming contest organization

Started by April 30, 2002 01:15 PM
55 comments, last by Trexmaster 22 years, 9 months ago
Original post by Scheermesje
Why would he be annoyed.. where very happy with the LOTR contest.. we even found it so great that we want to start another one..

If nehe don''t wants to then we host it at another place.

hey i am only j/k
I think a contest like this would balance out the playing feild too, As you have experts vs experts (as main coders) and newbies versus newbies (as menu/sound/input etc coders) so it *should* (in theory) make people excel, and it is my firm beleif that if we go ahead with this, as long as we run it right, we will really be amazed with what comes out of it.

Even after the contest had finished, a well motivated team (or some of it) may keep working on it tell it is a publishable game

When Team fortress 1 come out for quake back when ever, i was soooo excited because that was the first real team vs team game, it was so fun and inspiring to play along side (and against) other humans, some better then you, some not....

That is the sort of excitement i feel now, I just hope it goes somewhere.....

i for one will give it 100%
The problem with that concept is simply NeHe Productions.
The site is about OpenGL, but the whole-game-contest involves lots more like AI, sound, input, network, and whatever.
I think the idea of a game contest is good for gamedev in general, but no for NeHe especially.

But a demo perfectly fits the NeHe Productions site : no network, no AI (almost), no input (except ESC), and very basic sound only, BUT huge work on graphics and a bit of animation.
Good point.

Perhaps we could run this competition through This would encourgae more than the NeHe audience to participate.

However, I would like our work to benefit NeHe in some way or another. He has already comitted much of his free time to us already. It would be nice to return the favor and alowing NeHe to publish the best game on his cd should do the trick by increaseing cd sales.

I bet there are many of you out there who attribute much of their developement skills to NeHe''s site. I know i do. I think this is the best way to say thanks.
Perhaps one solution would be for the Graphics system/engine to be a combination of the techniques used by Nehe.

All of the entrants could use an 3D engine or system by Nehe.
Each team could enhance the engine if they wanted to, or they could spend their time focusing on some of the other issues - Networking, AI, Input.

In this way everyone would be using something in common, it would
provide a forum for Nehe''s work, and each team could focus on implementing a game?

Just a suggestion, I''d like to know if that is even possible at this point. I know NeHe covers a wide range of 3D, OpenGL applications, but has he incorporated into one engine that others can use?

"Remember, wherever you go, there you are."
So there are, at least, a few things everyone agrees with :
- it''s a team based contest
- a team should include both experienced coders and newbs
- it has to benefits to Nehe since a lot of us owe something to him and his work, the idea of placing the winners''game on his cd is great, but we have to know if he agrees

Having the contest hosted on effectively seems like the best thing we can do since the audience would be wider.

But the one thing i''d like is to be sure that we don''t let a newb alone on any part since if this is the first time he/she does this it can be very discouraging. I believe that, in a game, every part is equally important, even ones you can''t see/hear, since any part can crash. So we should have at least an experienced programmer checking newbs''work, and not only pointing the defaults but explaining why they are defaults (a lot of people can''t see their work''s flaws). I love Scheemersje''s idea of putting a good and a newb on every task because it seems to me that it perfectly fits Nehe''s behavior that experienced people should share their knowledge with ones who wants to learn. Btw, even a newb can bring in a profitable different point of view.

Frost-byte, I think many of us already use combinations of the techniques used by Nehe since a lot of us have learned with his tuts. And having him doing a part of the work for us doesn''t seem to me like the right way to thank him. I believe that showing him that we have learned all he has tried to teach us and that we can use it in new ways would be a greater reward for him. But that''s my point of view.
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
I learned C++ and OpenGL from Nehe''s tutorials so I own him much and it would be great if we could reward him for it.

The ideas of putting the entry''s on a cd of him would be great. And when the contest is hosted by then we still could do that. When the contest is finished just send your entry to Nehe to put it on his cd..

And about Nehe agreeing to the idee of putting the entry''s on his cd.. Nehe, if you read this please give us your comment?

And if we want to make this a contest for gamedev and not only for nehe, maybe we need to put this thread in another place?
So maybe we can place this thread in the "GDNet Comments, Suggestion, Ideas" part of the Forums. However, how do you move a thread ?

[edited by - trexmaster on May 2, 2002 4:26:13 AM]
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
Maybe the Game Programming forum is better.

The GDNet Suggestions, Comments and Ideas forum is a good place to propose the idea to GameDev and see if they agree to host such a competition, but that''s not the right place for the developers to meet and talk about the contest topic itself.
BTW, we can not move a thread. Only an administrator (or at least a moderator) can do it.

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