
Cool thing I did with 3D Tile engine...

Started by March 06, 2000 02:28 PM
11 comments, last by Potsticker 24 years, 6 months ago
Look good for me!

Make me think of age of empire, good luck!
Its working great now! Nice job I would suggest that you start drawing your tiles a little off the edge of the screen and continue until a little past the oposite edge so that you don''t get the jagged edge... That edge looks kinda ok in games with flat tiles, but with the height data, the edge is often pretty crooked which makes it look like the program is messed up when its really working fine. Also, if there is an easy way to put a time delay on the F4 key that would be nice. At first I thought it wasn''t working, but then I found that you just have to press it *really* fast and its fine. (I had the same problem with my last game and came up with a pretty bad patch... I kept a counter and only checked keystates every couple frames. If anyone knows a better way of doing this, I''d really like to know!)

Other than that, great job! (Oh, and I got about 75fps on my Athlon 500, 128 RAM, ATI All-in-Wonder Pro (16MB)
Thanks for taking a look at it. I agree about the edge thing, I''m still figuring out where the interface elements are going to go, so I''m not going to worry about moving it around until I work that out a little bit more. I know about the F4 key thing, I''m not too worried about those elements though because someone else is supposed to write the ''real'' interface code, but I could put a little flag in there. (Set it when the key goes down, so code only fires once, and once key is up, reset it...) I was getting frustrated at it myself earlier today

hehe thekid, you know I would release the source code except for a few issues...

1) Not all the source code belongs to me, as I''m working on it with a few people, and just for their sake, I can''t release their elements.
2) I don''t think the source would be particularly helpful. Some of the modules are getting huge, and finding my own way around is sometimes difficult.

Now, if I have time, which is unlikely, but I''ll try and break it down into elements that would make sense, but if you have a specific question, I can help you and provide you with source about how I resolved that issue.

I''m not trying to hide this information or be secretive, its just not very releasable at this time.

Oh, and I think its a hybrid of DX6 and 7.

And I need to get a new machine, this old 200MMX gets only around 30-50 fps....

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