
3D Studio Max!!

Started by March 04, 2000 10:21 PM
5 comments, last by KreatureCaos 24 years, 6 months ago
Ok I just purchased 3D Studio Max R3.1 and I am wondering where I can get a good online tutorial till I find some books on it. And, What kind of powers does this program hold? I am really confused with it. Eat a Beaver, Save a Tree... =0).
Eat a Beaver, Save a Tree... =0).
Hey Kreature,

I always get my tutorials at and there are plenty of links. Tell me how it turns out with you''re MAX experience. I''m a newbie to it too.

Well, enjoy.
Well so far I made my own "robot". It was blocky and sylindric. Trying to learn about the bone things. Then I am going to just mess around for about the next 24 hours.

Eat a Beaver, Save a Tree... =0).
Eat a Beaver, Save a Tree... =0).
There are a lot of tutorials on 3D palette as well.
You should have a look at: , too.
You get tutorials with the package, so if you really bought it, you have them
Ya the included tutorials really KICK ass. Book tutorials usually baby you and go one tiny step at a time. When I finished the included tutorials (bug head, rhino head, and monkey). I was able to jump in and really create what I wanted to.
Job description : Duct Tape

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