
UO2 - yeah

Started by April 17, 2002 03:00 PM
2 comments, last by Rimrok 22 years, 9 months ago
Hello b&g! Does anyone now how the characters and monsters (not the latest ones) in Ultima Online (check the screens at: are created? They look to be drawn by hand, but in that case, how the hell did they keep track of the perspective so well? It must have taken a lifetime of work! As you probably understand, I''m not a professional artist, so talk to me like I''m a three year old
The way to the right path is through pain, sweat and tears.
its called Axonometric proyections, Isometric or Orthographic views, there is an article here that talks about that, it is also posible to render models using ortho mode to achieve similar results with an even more 3d's look, check this screenshot of my work in progress I used a mixture of GIMP (for the floor), AC3D(for my character), MilkShape(for the lamp) and PovRay (for rendering models).

PS: Do you play UO? I am getting hooked to it I usually play at Lake Superior at night, my char is surprisingly enoght Kwizatz.

Edit: just noticed, my night would probably be your after midnight or even dawn

[edited by - kwizatz on April 17, 2002 4:24:10 PM]
My UO days are no more

But I never got tired of it, it just got to expensive! There''s more options and more freedom for the player then the MMORPG''s of today.

BTW... Thx for the info!
The way to the right path is through pain, sweat and tears.
I was a GM dragon tamer in the days when it was hard to reach GM. I was well respected. Then they made that stupid power hour thing and everyone was a GM tamer and everyone started hating tamers. That is why I quit UO.
-----------------------------Download my real time 3D RPG.

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