
3D engine core questions

Started by March 04, 2000 01:37 AM
0 comments, last by xeos 24 years, 6 months ago
I''m working on a 3D version of the engine used in Transport Tycoon, and I''m looking for details of what I should actually DO in my engine... AFAIK, it should read the data from a data file, interpret it, and in my case, output it through a modular (OpenGL/DX) rendering library. It should also mannage sound and music threads. But my problem lies in where to put everything! Does anyone have any suggestion as to what I should do?
XEOS Digital Development - Supporting the independant and OpenSource game developers!
download the G3D engine from and check out how they did it.. it''s open source and rivals some of the best engines out there

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