
Need help making letter in photoshop...

Started by March 01, 2000 12:32 PM
1 comment, last by habus 24 years, 6 months ago
Hi! For a little game I''m doing I''ll need letters for the scrore, menu, etc.. I''ve tried to make them in photoshop - still learning - but I cant make a letter with a range of colors -can''t remember right now the word for that -.. could someone give me a tip on this? laters and thanks in advance!
"Old programmers don't die,they just terminate and stay resident."
Are you trying to create letters colored like a gradient? If so simply create the letter layer -> select the text with the magic wand -> the choose the gradient tool -> set the gradient to the color scheme you want -> last drag the gradient tool across your layer (keep doing unitl desired effect is accomplished). I hope this is what you had in mind/
Job description : Duct Tape
Yup, that''s what I had in mind! thanks a lot!! =)

"Old programmers don't die,they just terminate and stay resident."

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