
Are Vertex Buffers Really Faster?

Started by February 29, 2000 12:01 AM
2 comments, last by Esap1 25 years ago
Are they, I really dont want to use them, I want to use an array of my own Vertex Class that has a D3DVERTEX in it so I can draw them using DrawPrimitive. Is this OK?
Vertex buffers are a tool, they have multiple purposes. One is that they CAN be faster is you use the optimize feature. But you have to remember that if you optimize it, you can't edit the data it is only for static objects (or as the DX documentation puts it "Static Geometry")

If you want D3D to take care of your transformations outside of DrawPrimative (in otherwords so you can see how your vertices were transformed) it is great solution.

If you want to do you transformations on your own, do so, nothing is stopping you. I found it easier for D3D to take care of my transformations for me, then test things like clipping. It all depends on how you use them. Also if you are using T&L acceleration they are definately faster if you want to transform then test the transformation. (I think, I don't actually have a T&L accelerated card, but a friend of mine claims it does)


Edited by - Omalacon on 2/29/00 12:17:23 AM
I think posting your question in one forum should be enough exposure.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Just wanted to be heard(hehe)

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