
SLOW Network Performance

Started by March 28, 2002 12:56 PM
0 comments, last by Hairu 22 years, 10 months ago
I''m having a problem with my network code severely slowing down my game. When trying to poll the network by setting the timeval sec and u_sec to 0, and calling select(). My framerate instantly fell from 85 to 20fps. Upon further analysis, I was able to determine that the networking polling routine was taking up 85% of the game loop. Is This Normal?!? Do I need to put my code into a seperate thread, or am I doing something wrong....? Here''s the routine i''m using... int DH_NetServer::receive(char *data, int data_size) { int new_fd = 0; int bytes_received = 0; fd_set tmp_set; sockaddr_in sender; timeval timeout; socklen_t sin_size = sizeof(sockaddr_in); if(!port_open){ DH_Error.push("DH_NetServer::receive - you must open a port before you receive data from it\n"); return -1; } for(int i=0; i <= fdmax ;i++) { // copy the master set of file descriptors so it''s not altered tmp_set = master_set; // enable polling timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (select(fdmax+1, &tmp_set, NULL, NULL,&timeout) == -1) { DH_Error.push("DH_NetServer::receive - Error selecting socket\n"); return(-1); } // check for incoming data if(FD_ISSET(i, &tmp_set)) { // add any new connections if(i == listen_sockfd) { // make sure that we are in the valid range of connections // -1 max_connection''s means infinite if(num_connections > max_connections && max_connections != -1){ DH_Error.push("DH_NetServer::receive - maximum connection already met, cannot ad connection\n"); return(-1); } // accept and add the new descriptor to the file descriptor set new_fd = accept(listen_sockfd, (sockaddr *)&sender,&sin_size); FD_SET(new_fd, &master_set); // update the max file descriptor if(new_fd>fdmax) fdmax = new_fd; // increment the number of connections num_connections++; // update the latest connection information latest_connector = sender; latest_fd = new_fd; // return -2 when a new connection is detected return(-2); } // (i == listen_sockfd) // receive the message from the file descriptor if((bytes_received = recv(i, data, data_size, 0)) == -1){ DH_Error.push("DH_NetServer::receive - Error receiving data\n"); return -1; } // check for connection close // remove the socket from the set if it closes if(bytes_received == 0) { closesocket(i); num_connections++; latest_disconnect_fd = i; FD_CLR((unsigned int)i, &master_set); } // exit the loop once we got the data return (bytes_received); }// if(FD_ISSET(i, tmp_set) }// for(...;i<fdmax; ...) return(-3); }
Original post by Hairu
I''m having a problem with my network code severely slowing down my game. When trying to poll the network by setting the timeval sec and u_sec to 0, and calling select(). My framerate instantly fell from 85 to 20fps. Upon further analysis, I was able to determine that the networking polling routine was taking up 85% of the game loop. Is This Normal?!? Do I need to put my code into a seperate thread, or am I doing something wrong....?

Unfortantely, the key word here is _poll_. Polling is usually very slow. Try using non blocking sockets and checking for input every frame, or at some other set time.

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