
True AI

Started by March 27, 2002 04:02 PM
80 comments, last by zzzomed 22 years, 6 months ago
quote: Original post by TerranFury

If you mean to say that we should model AI at a higher level - as object relationships rather than as neurons (semantic nets vs. ANNs), then you have a valid point

That is exactly what I mean. Thank you very much for understanding.

The AP that was wondering what I ment by True AI: I am trying to get at least an idea as to how we would go about making what I call a True AI. I do not want to put an emphasis on artificial, I mearly want to make it seem like a normal person. Right now, I am just trying to figure out a way to make the though process of the True AI program seem , or come up witht he same results that we would when we think. Granted they will go through a different process than us, but as long as they seem to be normal to a "normal" person, then I have acheaved my goal.

P.S. I may not be here for about a month or 2, but when I am able to get back on more often, I will post.
My email is
quote: Original post by TerranFury
In game AI the main point is to be believable.

in game AI the main point is to *entertain*. believability is just a part of that. so is doing stuff thats not so intelligent but cool to watch and challenging for the player.

my two cent''s worth....

die or be died...i think
die or be died...i think

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