
How would you suggest I get started?

Started by February 27, 2000 05:00 AM
5 comments, last by Silver 24 years, 6 months ago
What should I learn in order to Program games. Should I learn the dos way then winodws or jump strait into windows and directx?
At the top of the main page, there's a link for everyone to get started. Here's the url:

Edited by - WolvyLP on 2/27/00 6:22:53 AM
I would suggest not to begin with DOS programming as there are a lot of things that are different between DOS and Windows, mainly that DOS is 16bit while Windows is 32bit.

Instead of DOS you could start by creating Win32 console application. It has all the benefits of DOS programming, no window handling etc, and none of the 16bit awkwardness of DOS programming.

Once you have learned the language enough, you could start playing around with Windows and DirectX.
Actually, I say you should start with Windows game programming. DOS is dead, and it''s only good for testing out certain items, usually strings. And don''t even bother testing graphics in DOS.

However, some people may argue with me. I''m just stating my style and opinion.

- DarkMage139
- DarkMage139
Programming DOS in the year 2000 is just not gonna get you very far unless you do a REALLY good remake of ZORK.

Either program using windows or program C++ on the mac if you choose to go down that road, that''s what I suggest.

I do like that old dos game that came with the computer, the one where the worm eats the numbers and grows that many units in length, and the next number to eat increases by one. If you feel you must use DOS, email me for some good BBSs that you can dial up with your 14k external modem.
The fact that DOS is dead doesn''t seem to affect much on most finnish people that are programming (sw/pd) games. Even now they''re doing these stupid tetris clones, worm games and dungeon fighters and they run only in dos. There are just a couple of good shareware games that run on Windows without a problem.

And in Windows 2000 there even isn''t any DOS, if I remember right.
Really no DOS?

"Bricks without straw!?"

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