
DX7 unresolved extern SY _IID_IDirectDraw4

Started by February 27, 2000 12:51 AM
1 comment, last by CodePlayEatSleep 25 years ago
Hi people! I''m new to the fourm(tho I been lurking for a few month now) so just bare with me . I''m programming in DirectX reading the book T of WnD Gm Pro Gurus, it''s a great book but I''m afraid I''m having some trouble. I did exactly like it says in the book regarding init DirectDraw. The problem is when I build the exe file the complier spits out this error... dxcon03.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _IID_IDirectDraw4 (I''m trying to get the newest DDraw object, other than that it works fine. Oh yeah I alost tried it with IID_IDirectDraw7.) I normally get this error if I mispelled a function name, but that is not the case. I''m pretty sure I''m not mispelling anything, and I linked ddraw.lib and #including . What am I doing wrong??? Thanks in advance. Now please somebody tell me why I''m so stupid . P.S I know it''s probably something obvious, like RTFM. I''m going to do that right now. Later...
Did you link dxguid.lib in your project? If not try that.
Boy do I feel like a silly rabbit, trix are for kidzz wait wait.. yes, I am silly. Anyway right after I this post I got it to work, I did forget to link dxguid.lib, thanks anyway! Silly rabbit is off to bed...

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