
Linux Compiler

Started by March 23, 2002 04:36 PM
5 comments, last by Vegadam 22 years, 8 months ago
Ok, Does anyone know where I can download a Binary, Linux comiler. I need the binary version cause you cant compile a compiler unless you have a compiler . THank you.
go to and look for gcc. You''l find redhat packages there. I suggest gcc-2.96.
gcc-2.96 is pretty buggy, instead go with gcc-2.95.3, its more stable.
quote: Original post by Vegadam
Ok, Does anyone know where I can download a Binary, Linux comiler. I need the binary version cause you cant compile a compiler unless you have a compiler . THank you.

GCC is usually installed by default on most linux distro... If it aint there, check on the CD for your distro...

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quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
gcc-2.96 is pretty buggy, instead go with gcc-2.95.3, its more stable.

Yes, I agree (the GCC team says they''re not going to fix 2.96.x since 3.x is their new focus). I''ve also used 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 (I''m using the latter currently), and they''re decent (a lot more standards compliance, but they have a couple of non-critical issues, mostly with optimization for certain CPU''s). I only ever found one bug in 3.0.3 and it was already fixed in the CVS source so ...

I''m not sure what Distro you are using but they are right, most have the GNU GCC compiler preinstalled. To find out try things like:

[20:54:17 a @ /home/a/src/] $ gcc battle.c -o battle


[20:55:08 a @ /home/a/src/] $ g++ stuff.c -o stuff

I think there may be some IDE''s now for XWindows, I even think BloodShed Software has a port for there IDE. If you need more you can email me at

To find a UNIX binary, use which.
[oluseyi @ *** ] $ which gcc/usr/bin/gcc[oluseyi @ *** ] $which g++/usr/bin/g++ 

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

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