Any1 has a good preference for me how to start?
Well, I am not a math and physic genius, but I like math and physics, I also like to develop something, but till now I didn''t have the time to learn a programming language. I can work with Visual Basic a little, but that''s all. And I also like to build in 3D like Models, Worlds, Levels, Effects, etc.
Can any1 gimme some preference how to start at zero? I mean completly zero! I know it''s hard, but I need it. Thanxs.
Don el Slavadore
I want to learn a language, where I can be sure that I can use it almost everywhere! It''s for the begin, later I wanna start with Direct X or/and OpenGL........
If you want the widest language used, its C++ at the moment. But once your familer with OO and procedural programming all languages become similar.
I use VB quite a bit with DirectX, its a lot easier to get started in than C++ and its very quick to code with.
try for some VB DX tutorials.
I use VB quite a bit with DirectX, its a lot easier to get started in than C++ and its very quick to code with.
try for some VB DX tutorials.
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