
Find a model

Started by March 21, 2002 03:58 AM
1 comment, last by bahamas 22 years, 10 months ago
Is there a place on the www where I could find a (free of charge) 3D model of a soldier "that have big muscles" : DukeNukem-like or Schwarzenneger-like? The model should be loadable in 3DsMax 3. Oh and if there isn'' t a place where I can find a "schwarzy" model please tell me where I can find "normal" characters. Thanks.
While(game.quality == good) play();

It has a free part with tons of models, and a VIP part have to pay for it, but it has many many high quality models

And if you don''t find any, just check the links on 3dcafe...most of the sites have free models
" de sagittis ungarorum libera nos Domine"West-European pray in 900AD
Thanks, I'' ve found some stuff and I discovered a cool site
While(game.quality == good) play();

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