
3d engines doesnt work

Started by February 24, 2000 05:24 AM
0 comments, last by MIKI_hack 25 years ago
Hi guys, I have a big problems. I have downloaded a lots of 3d engine and open source(Crystal Space, Morfit 3d, Fly3D, ...) but almost everyone of this doesnt work. They gave me a different message error, but in general the most common is an "Access violation error". This error are signalled to me by Norton Utilities (Speed Start i think). I currently have installed DX7, latest version of OpenGL drivers and WinGlide 3.0. Of this drivers i also have SDK (DX7 SDK,Glide 3.0 SDK, OpenGL 1.1 SDK). I should think the problem is my computer (i have a P200 MMX, 32 MB RAM, Voodoo2) but i''m not sure. Could anyone help me? Have you got any solution about this problem? my email is
Have you tried disabling any virus software and/or Norton Utilities itself?

Breakaway Games

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