
Space game land backgrounds

Started by March 14, 2002 08:54 PM
6 comments, last by Muzlack 22 years, 10 months ago
Ever played any of those arcade games where you are in a spaceship, and they have land backgrounds? Whats a good way of doing this? I''ve tried psp, and I can''t make anything that looks good, and I''ve tried using bryce, but when you have abstract image lengths, it gets weird, (in my case, 800x1800), so how do you guys make these land backgrounds? I don''t want my entire game to be based in space. Well, I have another question too, but this is more in the programming area, but since I''m posting this, it is on a similiar topic. How do I make images, say, 800x2500 (a long level) that wouldn''t take forever to load? I could resize them to a better size, but in stretching, it would lose detail. Thanks in advance! Sponge Factory --Muzlack
As far as making a nice land backgroud, do search for Terragen. It makes natural landscapes and is currently free. I don''t remember the url.
Think about flying over a set of tiles...
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
You could try VistaPro too.

Not sure if it''d be that great, but hey it''s worth a shot.
Im working on a similar game and the way I am doing it is using tiles. I just finished my lev editor, but now that I think about it I may use one long background and tiles at the same time.

The way you can make you game load faster is break the level up, load up one section of the leve then at the end of that section have a mini boss or something like that, then once its destroyed load the next are. Or you can try and load it as the player progresses through the game kind of seamless you could say.

Im also doing something similar as my first project in java.
Circular buffers is what i''ve used, which let me load 1 big image file, then in the screen updates you copy the area that hasn''t changed and move it down, then just fill in the new area.

For me it worked out faster and simpiler to load one image and scroll it well than load lots of tiles.

Its not great on memory, but speed is really good, and memory is getting less of a problem.
ei guys, those programs offers a different view, i''d like ''top-down'' views, could you provide one like that? thanks!
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Yeah, some of those programs you suggested create scenes similiar to bryce, we''re talking top down here.

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