
drawing the cursor

Started by February 23, 2000 02:35 PM
2 comments, last by Ridcully 24 years, 6 months ago
i have been wondering about the best way of implementing a graphical cursor for a GUI. i can either use a cursor resource and let windows handle it, which would limit my colors, or i can draw the cursor on my own, but that wouldn''t do very good because it is dependant to the framerate, yet i can do whatever i want with it (special fx like translucency) so, how can i draw a cursor without having it jerk a lot on low framerates...? possible?
What you need to do is seperate the mouse from the fps. I think there''s a few tutorials in the Programming section that show you how to do that. I think the theory is that you create a thread, and then blt the cursor using that thread. But, it should be a tutorial.

Ps - I''m from germany also
I found the link:
Seperating the mouse and framerate

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