
Why is Visual C++ so vague?

Started by February 23, 2000 04:14 AM
24 comments, last by Scorpion 24 years, 5 months ago
You think VC++ and Win32 is vague huh... Well try X-windows (Linux - Mac - and lots of other platforms)... that''s vague times 1000!!!

I think Visual Studio (I use 6.0 Enterprise) is one of the best documented and useable compilers out there... except when you want just one window or a simple interface, then I suggest you use Borland C++ Builder or Delphi (That is the Pascal version).
Nah, Borland C++ Builder is to easy..

And i haven''t got directx to work under the 4th generation
languages... but that must be just me.. =)

For the answer to the question, do i know low level programming? shure, i began with programming under dos. even there, setting up a screen was simple.. =)

icq# 10251921
Well duh! Back in the Dos days you didn''t have multithreaded overlapping multi-priority windows that are customisable down to the size of the borders!

Of course it''s a little harder now!!!
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Custamizability is harder? If you don''t want to customize, don''t. If you want a DOS-like environment, just make a window the size of your screen without borders.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
It''s just vague, yesterday for example, i had
a whole new variable found in an example, and
i couldn''t find what it was for!

icq# 10251921
Everything seems vague until you figure it out.
Mike Weldon, a.k.a.
I think your question was vague
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I agree, u gotta explain stuff man, when u say it like dat noone know what the HELL YOUR TALKING ABOUT
If you wanna good example of vague, check out OpenGL!

I''m learning OpenGL instead of Direct X cuz I heard it was easier, and I figured to start out with graphics small

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
What''s vague about OpenGL??? It ships with the entire functional specification!
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.

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