
Transforms, and Draw Primitive.

Started by February 21, 2000 10:47 PM
2 comments, last by Esap1 25 years ago
Are the points you send to DrawPrimitive Transformed when you send them to it?, also, does it light the vertices when you do the right SetRenderState, and is there D3DTLVERTEX, just if you want to do the Lighting and the Transformations yourself. Thanks alot, jus trying to get clear on the concept
If you send untransformed vertices, they will be transformed within DrawPrimitive.

Lighting always occurs (even on lit vertices) unless the D3DRENDERSTATE_LIGHTING render state is set to FALSE.

You can find more information on this topic in the SDK help under Direct3D/Essentials/Vertex Formats and Direct3D/Essentials/Lighting and Materials/Enabling and Disabling the Lighting Engine.
When you send a D3DTLVERTEX or simmilar structure, they should be transformed already. They do not have to be transformed and do not have to be used for 3d. If you send a structure without lighting information then DX will light them by default. (Given that you did not set D3DRENDERSTATE_LIGHTING to false)

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