
File associations in Linux

Started by March 06, 2002 04:54 AM
1 comment, last by stefu 22 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I''m currently running Debian Linux with KDE and have problems with file associations. I''d like to for example open zip-file in Ark from Nehe''s site. Mozilla browser: When I select the link it asks if I want to open the file using less or save it to file. I don''t have less installed and I wan''t to use Ark. There''s no connections to less in Mozilla-> preferences-> Helper Application. I can add zip to file types in advanced section but it doesn''t help. Next time it is again trying to open using less. gzip-files open ok. I can also edit connections in K -> Setting -> File Associations (not sure how named in english). Can I setup Mozilla to use those settings? Also Konqueror doesn''t recognise zip-files but gzip for example it does. Where''s the problem? Is there some hidden places where I cane remove connections to ''less'' for example? Thanks
hi !

i''m not a debian user, but i have KDE.

you can do association with all the types known by one or more of your installed programs. it''s in the kde control center.

now, for zip,
under linux it''s gzip, gz, or tar.gz or that can be open by the archiver.
But for gzip only you''ll need to install the gzip package.

now for normal zip, try to open it with gzip.

i hope this will help you.


It''s miracle, it''s working on all sudden Maybe KDE needed to be restarted, it''s not forcing to open it using ''less''.

I use Ark to ope compressed files (gzips, zips too sometimes in Linux).

It''s been ok all the time in ControlCenter.

Thanks anyway

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