I just downloaded that free compiler, and I''ve been trying to compile a demo I modified that compiled fine under VC++5.
I can only find glu32.lib in the PSDK directory, but I need opengl32.lib and glaux(32?).lib. So I tried to point the linker to the MS directory, but it gives me some weird errors.
First, VC gave me no errors or warnings, but BC gives me 15 warnings and no errors. So, it will pass the compiler, but not very well.
Anyway, when it gets to the linker that I''ve set up with the MS libs, it gives me just this:
Error: ''C:\PROGRAM FILES\DEVSTUDIO\VC\LIB\GLAUX.LIB'' contains invalid OMF record, type 0x21 (possibly COFF)
What does this mean? How do I fix it? Do I need to download Borland-specific OGL libs or something?
OpenGL with BCC5.5
The message means that the library types are incompatible. Borland uses OMF formated object files, Microsoft uses COFF formated object files. In order to use the MS library files you have to convert the COFF libs to OMF libs or download the OMF libs.
Oh, I see. Thanks. 
I haven''t found those OMF libraries yet, but I''ll keep you posted.

I haven''t found those OMF libraries yet, but I''ll keep you posted.
February 21, 2000 05:12 AM
Look for IMPLIB.EXE in you BCB5.5 bin directory. It will convert Microsoft compiled libraries to the Borland format. There should also be a text file (IMPLIB.TXT) with instructions on how to use it.
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