
Lag when calling main game function from event loop.

Started by March 02, 2002 02:24 PM
1 comment, last by yasha 22 years, 6 months ago
When I call my Game_Main function from the event loop the program runs very unevenly. There are long pauses then the program catches up. Game_Main isn''t doing much other than updating the locations of a couple of objects, and blting them to a back buffer then flipping the primary and secondary surfaces. The jerkiness is alleviated and everything appears to run smoothly if I start a timer, even though I don''t do anything with the timer messages. The event loop is:

	if (PeekMessage( &lpMsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )					// begin the message loop 
			if (lpMsg.message == WM_QUIT)
			TranslateMessage( &lpMsg );
			DispatchMessage( &lpMsg );
			Game_Main(NULL, 0);
This is being run on Win2K. Any suggestions? Thanks, Aaron
It's because you're only calling the game function if you have received a windows message. You should take the Game_Main call out of that if statement (but keep it in the infinite loop).

When you set a timer, windows will keep sending you messages, which was why it worked when you tried that.

John B

Edited by - JohnBSmall on March 2, 2002 3:37:08 PM
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
I knew it was something like that. Thanks! This is the problem with learning all your C++ on Unix/console apps.


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