
Tricks of Windows Gaming Guru book chap 1 problem

Started by February 26, 2002 12:38 PM
14 comments, last by flawildcat 22 years, 7 months ago
The book is great for begginers. It does everything step by step. Buy it off ebay . . . I got mine for $20 instead of $50.

I''m sure youl like the book. It is a little long though so prepare for some heavy reading.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
There''s also a really bad typo on page 436. See if anyone can pick it out.
---Will DDR for food.
Yeah, I heard good things about TOTWGPG, so I bought it. I was disappointed. There weren''t many "tricks". It''s more of a tutorial for beginners.
Wow.. that''s a huge typo on pg 436..

sin = opp/hyp, and cos = adj/hyp. book has it backwards.
should be:
The Light shine on you
sin = opp/hyp and cos = adj/hyp, that''s correct

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