Windows 2000!
Ive installed Windows 2000 Pro, with great success...
Ive installed Visual C++ v5, and it works just like in Win9x, it compiles all my projects perfect, and runs all my games without modification!
The process/performance utility in W2K tells you how much current and peak memory, how many I/O calls/handles, and how many handles (including about 20 more details) your app is using! And with almost perfect reliability W2K delivers, its a dream come true.
I have now converted to W2K to do all my development!
Good job Microsoft. (For once)!-;
It still is basically an NT system, which means there are no VXD''s, and you cant program directly to the hardware!
DOH. This means I still have to fire up Win95 to run my LPT based N64 controller adapter when I wanna use it for games (including UltraHLE). Surely there must be a way to develop W2K drivers for such devices? I remember in NT4 you couldnt dump Audio digitally from CD''s, run DVD or USB, as NT4 didnt support it originally. Is this the same for W2K with new devices?
In fact, the only problems I encounted with W2K is it didnt have drivers for my old Voodoo2 card! And the Game Controllers dialog in Control Panel didnt respond for a minute when I has installing a standard LPT PC gamepad! Crud.
Ive downloaded NT4 drivers for Voodoo2 and yet to test them.
Also, how do u see DirectX details/version info in W2K?
Downloads: ZeroOne Realm
What the heck?
63000 Bugs in Windows 2000?
Check it out...
63000 Bugs in Windows 2000?
Check it out...
Downloads: ZeroOne Realm
A changelist and a bug are two entirely different things. I for one have a huge huge huge changelist for what I could improve or change in my game, but bugs, well, I don''t have any that I actually encounter anymore.
That is just FUD, IMO.
You can probably write a driver for your gamepad or whatnot, why not try it? I believe the DDK is available from MS''s MSDN site somewhere or other.
That is just FUD, IMO.
You can probably write a driver for your gamepad or whatnot, why not try it? I believe the DDK is available from MS''s MSDN site somewhere or other.

There is nothing stopping people from producing W2k drivers to use parallel port devices - someone just needs to write one.
I use Win2k with several USB devices - and its considerably more stable than any previous MS attempt at USB. I''ve also watched several DVDs (using WinDVD) with great success. I haven''t tried dumping audio CDs digitally because my drive doesn''t support it - but I''ve been told it can be done. A good clue might be the "use digital audio" check box in the CD-ROM drive device settings. ;-)
I don''t know how to check DirectX driver/version numbers in W2K. It should be DirectX 7.0a, IIRC.
I love Win2000. :-)
I use Win2k with several USB devices - and its considerably more stable than any previous MS attempt at USB. I''ve also watched several DVDs (using WinDVD) with great success. I haven''t tried dumping audio CDs digitally because my drive doesn''t support it - but I''ve been told it can be done. A good clue might be the "use digital audio" check box in the CD-ROM drive device settings. ;-)
I don''t know how to check DirectX driver/version numbers in W2K. It should be DirectX 7.0a, IIRC.
I love Win2000. :-)
About the 63 000 bugs issue, MS now says they''ve ran a program...forgot the name...that checks code and points out code that could be optimized, and that is found 63 000 possible optimizations. If this is true or not, I dunno, but that seems to be a quite good explanation.
Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
I used Win2K Professional for a while at work, first the beta on the notebook. Now I use it on my brand new PC....and it crashe dwith everything, try winamp try photoshop. I tell you it crashes........I wasn''t the only one with these problems, no....everyone at my work had. So, we uninstalled it, and installed win nt again.
Game Over.......
win2K is very bad.....
Dance with me......
Game Over.......
win2K is very bad.....
Dance with me......
I think I read that Win2k introduced 85 new bugs that weren''t in ''the last one'' (NT4 or 98? You never know with newspapers), and also it had the 63k optimization defects.
Even if the it''s only 63K items on the changelist, I''m waiting on install Win2k. Here''s why:
A friend of mines has been using Win2k for a while now, I think since RC3. Worked fine on everything, even played Everquest fine and dandy. So he went and got the retail version and found that there was a critical patch. When he played Everquest next after patching, all the textures got wacked out of belief. It''s not an isolated occurance either, it happened to another guy and he posted screen shots:
A friend of mines has been using Win2k for a while now, I think since RC3. Worked fine on everything, even played Everquest fine and dandy. So he went and got the retail version and found that there was a critical patch. When he played Everquest next after patching, all the textures got wacked out of belief. It''s not an isolated occurance either, it happened to another guy and he posted screen shots:
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