
Questions on DLLs

Started by February 15, 2000 07:53 AM
0 comments, last by Harvester 25 years ago
1. I''ve noticed that in the Wizard generated simple DLL, the class has no destructive (same thing for the MFC DLL). The question is; Where do i write the code that will free the resources? 2. Suppose i export a class from the DLL. In the program, i load the DLL and then what??? How do i get the class up and running??? And how do i unload it when i no longer need it? 3. I guess i can export multiple classes from a single DLL; right? 4. How do i manage variables that are exported from the DLL???? Assume that i have declared the variable in the DLL, as in the Simple generated DLL... But then in my program; how do i reference to it? These for a start Need some answeres/tips urgently. Thanks! c''ya
... LEMMINGS ... LEMMINGS ... LEMMINGS ... LEM..... SpLaSh!...Could this be what we stand like before the mighty One?Are we LeMmIngS or WhAt!? ;)
In MSDN there is a section on DLLs that will tell you all of this. I believe it is titled "DLLs for Beginners". There are issues with DLLs on both Windows98 and WindowsNT that vary and should be understood before doing anything DLL based. I am not sure how Windows2000 will handle DLLs but you can be sure there will be changes here as well. Do a search in MSDN, either online or on you VC++6.0 installation and you should have no problem finding what you need.

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.

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