Original post by Kylotan
That''s a good start, but that''s more ''undesign'' than design. One skill that separates a designer from a wannabe is that the real designer can sit down and document how they would do it better, and can point out why.
Yeah, its criticism, sorry if I sounded like I thought that that
was Design. I wanted to convey the message that I think everyone
can have a valid opinion. I didnt say everyone can be a
designer, and I dont think everyone can, but I see we kinda
agree with eachother in a weird way hehe.
Original post by Kylotan
It''s always nice to be agreed with, except I didn''t say that at all
Nor did I mean to imply it.
Well if you didnt say it, I''ll say it hehe. I think its a basic
reality of the gaming industry as far as I can observe.
You know, at first I disagreed with you because I thought you
were trying to imply that people who did not in fact work in
the industry''s opinions are worthless basically. Since you
say that thats not what you think, I apologize, I thought thats
what you meant!

And, yeah, having good ideas, or criticisms, or stories, etc
doesnt make you a game designer...YET! I think all these things
are good, but I''d like to see more people more optomistic about
this. I''d like to see more people actually go out and become
good designers. We need fresh ideas, and people already I think
I myself do all these things, I can write good stories, critique
stuff, have good ideas...but I dont call myself a designer just
yet. I''m not, I''m a wannabe! =D (At least I admit it

Yes, all this takes hard time and practice and THEN you can try
for a job like that. (This was restated about 1000 times

I dont know, I just dont like to kill people''s idealism either
though. I mean when someone comes here with an idea, we should
tell them to flesh it out, and write a long design doc for it,
and not just tell them in a rude way that they are peons. I get
the feeling like that from reading some of the posts. Including
yours Kylo, but I misunderstood ya, sorry!

Basically I dont know I feel like we shouldnt be bitching at
these people so much.

Just we should remind them that if
that is really what they want to do it will be a long process
of hard work, and they must focus I think. Not just tell them
"You are never going to get that implemented, forget it kid! Go
play EQ like a good little sheep." Ok well maybe they weren''t
that harsh...but...
In general, you can''t become a programmer without trying to
program, you can''t become a writer without trying to write,
you can''t become a singer without trying to sing, and you can''t
become a game designer without trying to design games.
And still, I dont think that all programmers are gonna be good
game designers, sure they have some advantages in this area
already, but the two dont really go hand in hand totally IMHO.