
Something that pisses me off

Started by February 14, 2000 05:38 AM
20 comments, last by Ysaneya 24 years, 7 months ago
... are people who want to make a kick ass game without having the least idea about what they''re doing. Have you ever seen a "hey! i''m searching a team of : coders,artists,3d modelers,musicians,designers, etc... i have a cool idea for a game !" ? I''m starting to be tired of this. My problem isn''t the "i''m searching people to help me". No, it is rather the "i have a cool idea for a game". They _simply_ have an idea, not even with details, just a so-called "cool" idea in their head, and they''re _immediately_ searching a team *sigh* to implement it. Even if i was only searching designers, i wouldn''t come _without_ a _detailed_ document of what my vision is. Sorry for the rant. I know it won''t change anything, but i feel better now Y.
Lighten up? LOL...


ICQ # 50607306
Put some music on.... relax...
This is how things are, and i bet this is how things will be in the next few years...

Just have fun
... LEMMINGS ... LEMMINGS ... LEMMINGS ... LEM..... SpLaSh!...Could this be what we stand like before the mighty One?Are we LeMmIngS or WhAt!? ;)
I know how you feel...

Vlarr and Harvester are right though. We should lighten up and just have fun. That is really what it is all about.

The people on this site are starting to get worked up over little simple things. Why does it really matter what people do. I have to admit that one time I was talking to a partner that is a 3D artist about the game we are working on, and another friend of mine that is not on the team, because he has no skills comes up and says he wants to write the story. There was no way, but getting angry over such a little thing. It''s a waste of everybody''s time.

::applauds Domini::

There have been a lot of these rants lately, and it''s fine to get things off your chest, but they aren''t going to change anything. Just be tolerant and politely try to help people along. A big part of the purpose of GDNet is to allow beginners learn game development the right way, with help from people who are more experienced. Let''s not keep flaming every newbie who dares to speak up.
That''s it! just let the begginers post and feel the hardwork to have a "cool" idea. How many of you never stopped a project in the middle because you were a begginer and didn''t have the experience needed to write a good project? I did.

just stay cool!
Hi! Just wanted to say that if we don''t give newbies the chance to be newbies on this board, then they will remain newbies forever, won''t they? I started out knowing very little when I first posted on gamedev. Since then, I have learned a lot thanks to the responses from this message board. Because of this, I would encourage you gurus to help newbies because we all need to start somewhere =) I would like to thank everyone who has helped me by answering all my silly questions before and also the staff of gdnet for providing us with this message board. Thank you.

Best regards,
_________________ Best regards, Sherman Chin Director Sherman3D (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
sherman, that''s not always true. when i was a newbie i didnt ask for help from anyone. i didnt buy any books either and still havent. i just figured out everything i needed to know when i needed to know it plus some extras on accident. i guess that''s just the way i do things.

Carl "trixter"[][/email]
a) Tolerance. Ignore posts you dislike.
b) Try very hard on your own, then ask.

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