

Started by February 13, 2002 07:52 PM
9 comments, last by DarkHunter 23 years ago
Ok found my notes, just gunna type them up right here. Good luck, hope they help my explenations.

Quantum Mechanics - Wave Mechanics

electrons are dualistic

a)partical qualities
mass of electron
density of electron
Diameter of electron

b)"wave" characteristics
Electron Diffraction
electron = 3 dimensional standing waves

3 dimensional standing wave = electron = pulsating field of electricity around the nucleous.
Total E = Ex + Ey + Ez


1: Principle quantum number, n, identifies the energy level the electron is in. The higher the value of n, the further the electron is from the nucleus.
n = 1,2,3,4,....infinaty

2: Azumuthel quantum number, l, identifes the sub-level, or type of vibration the electron possesses. It also identifes the shape of the sub-level.
l = 0,1,2,3,....n-1

3: The magnetic quantum number, m, identifies the number of orientations or orbitals in a sub-level. ORBITAL HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ORBITS!
m = -l through 0 through l

4: The spin quantum number, s, identifies the spin on the electron.
-If possible elextrons try to pair off with opposite spins
-If electrons are paired off with opposite spins the substance is NOT magnetic(dia-magnetic)
-If electrons are NOT paired off with opposite spins, it is magnetic (duuuu)

s = +1/2 or -1/2 but you generally fill up a level with s=-1/2 first

RULES OF PROBABILITY - everything is based on probability in quantum mechanics

Heisenberg''s Uncertanty principle - It is impossible to determine simultaneously the location or velocity of an electron (BUT WE WILL IN THE PROGRAM, lol)

Aufbau Principle - Electrons enter energy level of lower energy first

Hund''s Rule - when electrons enter orbitals of equal energy, one electron occupies each orbital BEFORE pairing off occurs.

Pauli Exclusion Principle - no 2 electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers, and no more then 2 electrons per orbital.

OK THAT IS ALL MY NOTES ON QUANTUM MECHANICS WE WILL NEED. The rest i have is just showing how they work, and like the shapes of the orbitals, which we can determine in some equation im sure.

I was thinking of writting 2 classes, class electron, for each electron keeping track of where it is at, cause we will track each electron. And the second class being class elements, which will allow us to store each of the elements in the class, which will all be predetermined. Although, there might be an easier way to do all that. I am writting the electron class now it will look somthin like this:
  class electron{privite: int n; int l; int m; int s;public: getn(); { return n; } getl(); { return l; } getm(); { return m; } gets(); { return s; } setn(int x); setl(int x); setm(int x); sets(int x);}  

i never wrote that in my compiler, and it probly wont work, just taking ideas off my head, i will play around with it, im sure it needs alot more to it. Hope all my notes help. Ill holla

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