
newbie client/server clarify

Started by February 13, 2002 01:40 PM
1 comment, last by vgbaron 22 years, 11 months ago
Between the SDk and the various forums that I''ve been browsing, I''ve gotten confused. With reference to Directplay only, I see references to Client/Server and to Lobby CLient and Lobby Server. Are these not the same? I mean, I know what a Client/Server relationship is but in DP when I see Client/Server and LobbyC/S can I assume they mean the same? Sorry for such a dumb question, guess I''m trying to absorn too much material Thanx for the help, vgb
A lobby is just another layer to *cough* simplify *cough* finding and joining a directplay session. The lobby server and client are not the same thing as the client and server in your game, but the ideas are the same.

I personally don''t like their lobbying setup. It''s too generic so it takes more work to get going than it should, again, in my opinion.
Thanx for the info. I thought it might be a bit easier to implpement rather than writing a complete game but I guess I was wrong. All I want to do is provide a place where flight simmers using FS2k2/FS2k or FS98 can get together and fly. Much like the zone but hopefullt simpler and easier to navigate. AS I see it I have to write a client, a server, a lobby and a launcher.

Seems simple enuf until I try following the SDK and various other areas. Most of what I''ve seen seem to be implementing the "game" but the "game" is already written. I just need to find a convenient way to launch it.


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