

Started by February 13, 2000 12:19 PM
4 comments, last by PsYcHoPrOg 25 years ago
hey, can you flip a primary surface with an offscreen surface that isn''t the backbuffer?
nope. it aint happenin''

just blit the offscreen surface to the primary, or blit the primary to an offscreen depending on what you''re trying to do. what do you need it for?

Carl "trixter"[][/email]
Can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work. Attach the surface to the primary surface and see if it works. If the surface isn't in video memory there may be a serious performance hit or it may not work at all. If you try it, let me know what happens.

Accually YES, you can.
DWORD dwFlags

lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride is the paramater your looking for

Edited by - RMack on 2/13/00 1:03:39 PM
- Ryan -
I was going to use it kind of like a second backbuffer. I''m not sure if I need it, though. I was going to use it to help scroll several bitmaps in a certain order to look as if a city was going past.
lpDDSurfaceTargetOverride has to be part of the flipping chain. offscreen surfaces are not.
Carl "trixter"[][/email]
Psycho, are you talking about parallax scrolling? You should use several offscreen surfaces (or as many as you need) and just use bltfast to blit a portion of them to your real back surface every frame, and flip the back surface with the primary buffer surface.

Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.

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