
Decent AVI Editor

Started by February 13, 2000 05:04 AM
3 comments, last by kieren_j 24 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I''m looking for a decent video editor that supports AVI files, sequencing, color space converting, etc., but have only found these programs, which are useless: * Personal AVI Editor * VidEdit (from video for windows) Do you know of any good editors? thx!
BTW it needs to support:

* Colour changing [8 and 16 bit]
* sequencing
* adding .wav files
* frame rate changing

thx in advance
Adobe Premiere

I''ve had the chance to work with it a little and its by far the best I have seen. You get professional quality out of it. I''m sure it''s expensive, but they may make a LE version that is cheaper.
Just because the church was wrong doesn't mean Galileo wasn't a heretic.It just means he was a heretic who was right.
My friend said that Paint Shop Pro 6 comes with an AVI editor called Animation Shop. It also edits GIF and other formats.
I''ve got Animation Shop and it''s great for simple things but crashes after about 200 frames......i''m gonna look at premiere now

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