
Free/cheap game dev tools?

Started by February 10, 2002 07:13 PM
3 comments, last by invicticide 22 years, 7 months ago
I''m trying to get into DirectX programming but I don''t have a copy of MSVC or the cash to shell out for it. Are there any up-to-date compilers available that support DirectX for little or no money? Right now, I don''t really care about licensing; as long as I can distribute my work as freeware I''m happy. I just want to learn this blasted thing! That is all. --invicticide
Dev-C++ is a good free IDE based on [EDIT] MingW [End EDIT: Did say GCC. Man am I an idiot sometimes.]. You can get compatible DirectX libs here.

I wanna' ride on the pope mobile.

Edited by - Hikeeba on February 10, 2002 12:16:16 AM
I wouldn''t have said it 2 months ago, but try to get a copy of Microsoft Visual C Introductory Edition. Dev-C++ is having some major stability issues right now, and, although it''s my favorite IDE, I''m hesitant to recommend it until it hits version 5.0 That''s just my opinion of course.


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Dev-C++ uses the Mingw compiler, a Windows port of GCC, just so you know you can use the compiler and a different IDE other than Dev-C++

Thanks for correcting that.

/me smacks forehead.

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.

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