
MDI Window Problem

Started by February 11, 2000 09:38 PM
0 comments, last by Enix 25 years ago
Im creating a MDI map editor for a game and ive run into a serious problem. When my second MDI window was created (the first one created worked fine), it was drawn with the class default window color, until the window was resized. when the window was resized, it worked perfectly. until then, the class color was drawn on window''s client region, and nothing more, though i used UpdateWindow() and SendMessage() with WM_PAINT. Now, i could not fix that, but decided to add a little Tree Window to the side of my program. Now, when I added this, whenever i create a new MDI window, it does not show up at all, until the main window is resized. And when this happens, the ClientWindow is reised by DefFrameProc, right over my tree window. If i do not pass WM_SIZE to DefFrameProc(), and i attemp to process it myself using EnumChildWindows(), and having each child window being updated with UpdateWindow(), and sending it WM_SIZE, nothing happends. The new MDI window won''t appear. Does anyone have any advice????? at all????? even a tiny suggestion would be great! please help me, ive been working at this for hours. thanks for reading.
Could someone please help me?

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